This module, with which each guest teacher training session will begin, presents Françoys Gagné’s Differentiating Model of Giftedness and Talent. According to this model, “talent in a specific field of activity gradually emerges from a long developmental process that is based on remarkable aptitudes (gifts), and which benefits from the constant influence of intrapersonal catalysts as well as environmental.” (
Our module mentions other important theories like Joseph Renzulli’s model, which states that talent needs three factors to be realized (outstanding ability, motivation and creativity), and Franz Mönks’ model, which adds importance of interaction with the environment (family, school and developing peers).
This module also contains an observation grid that will allow teachers to identify certain signs in their students and to implement differentiation strategies within their classes. There is no question of making a diagnosis, which must be entrusted to psychologists. It is a question of recognizing and seeking to meet the specific needs of gifted and/or talented students, at whatever level, technical, artistic, athletic, intellectual, relational, etc. Particular attention is paid to “twice exceptional” pupils, who present both learning disabilities and exceptional abilities.